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How to properly detach the car trailer?

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How to properly detach the car trailer?

How do I detach the trailer from the car’s towbar?

To detach the trailer, you should perform the same operation, but in the reverse order. After applying the brake (in the car and the trailer) and placing the wedges under the wheels, first disconnect the installation plug, then loosen the support wheel holder and lower it as far as possible. In the next step, you need to open the catch, unscrew the support wheel bolt and remove the securing cable.

  • débranchez d'abord la fiche d'installation,
  • puis desserrez la poignée de la roue de support et abaissez-la au maximum,
  • à l'étape suivante, ouvrez l'attelage, dévissez la vis de la roue de support et retirez le câble de sécurité.

See how to quickly and properly detach the trailer!

The whole procedure is not complicated, but it is worth paying attention to it, because any errors related to connecting the trailer to the tow-bar may lead to dangerous situations on the road.

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